Radiocor News

K+S Q2 revenue 874 mln eur vs 826 mln

Q2 EBITDA 128 mln eur vs 24 mln (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Berlin, 14 Aug - The German fertilizer and salt producer K+S said that in the second quarter revenue rose to 874 million euros from 826 million a year earlier and EBITDA advanced to 128 million euros from 24 million.

But, in the first half revenue slipped to 1.862 billion euros from 2.018 billion a year earlier and EBITDA dropped to 328 million from 478 million.

First-half adjusted free cash flow totalled 87 million euros against 274 million the previous year.

For the full year, K+S now expects EBITDA to be 530-620 million euros compared with a previous range of 500-650 million euros. The company highlighted that the midpoint is unchanged.

It continues to expects adjusted free cash to be at least break even, compared with 311 million a year earlier.


(RADIOCOR) 14-08-24 12:54:50 (0289) 5 NNNN


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