Radiocor News

Italy broker sentiment on market outlook picks up - survey

More brokers expect markets to rise vs last month (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Milan, 06 Sep - Some 89% of Italian financial operators believe that equity markets will be steady or will rise over the next six months, according to the latest monthly survey carried out by Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor Plus and financial market dealer association Assiom Forex.

The percentage of brokers expecting the market to rise increased to 40% in August compared to 37% a month earlier.

The survey showed that 49% of brokers expected markets to be steady, within a fluctuation range of 3%.

Only 11% of respondents expected markets to fall.

'Despite September starting with new unknowns like the health of the global economy, new political weights in France and Germany, and above all the results of the US elections in November, financial market participants seem to have returned to their desks more optimistic than we left them before the summer vacations,' said Massimo Mocio, president of Assiom Forex.

'The accommodative conditions being prepared by the major central banks, and the excellent quarterly reports shown so far, are all shifting the investor barometer in favor of risky assets,' he said.


(RADIOCOR) 06-09-24 16:01:27 (0481) 5 NNNN


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