Radiocor News

Halliburton business affected by cyberattack

Does not see material financial impact (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - New York, 03 Sep - The US oilfield services group Halliburton said that a cyberattack has disrupted its activity but should not have a material impact on its financial results.

On August 21, Halliburton became aware that an unauthorized third party gained access to certain of its systems.

"The incident has caused disruptions and limitation of access to portions of the company's business applications supporting aspects of the company's operations and corporate functions.

The company believes the unauthorized third party accessed and exfiltrated information from the company's systems.

Thecompany is evaluating the nature and scope of the information, and what notifications are required," it added.

Halliburton added that it has incurred, and may continue to incur, certain expenses related to its response to this incident.

The company added that it "believes that the incident has not had, and is not reasonably likely to have, a material impact on the company's financial condition or results of operations. The company remains subject to various risks due to the incident, including the adequacy of processes during the period of disruption, diversion of management's attention, potential litigation, changes in customer behavior, and regulatory scrutiny.".


(RADIOCOR) 03-09-24 14:05:00 (0315) 5 NNNN


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