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EDF launches Flamanville reactor divergence operations

First grid connection seen before end of autumn 2024 (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Paris , 03 Sep - French energy group EDF said it has begun activities required for the first nuclear reaction in its Flamanville EPR reactor, as preparations begin for the power plant to come online after 12 years of delays.

EDF noted that the reactor was loaded last May, with Flamanville EPR teams carrying out numerous technical tests and putting facilities into required conditions to initiate nuclear fission.

It explained that once divergence, which involves creating a stable nuclear reaction at very low power, is completed the reactor will be at 0.2% of its rated power.

A test programme to achieve a power level of 25% will be implemented. Once at this level, the nuclear reactor will be connected to the national power grid and will begin generating electricity. The first connection is scheduled before the end of autumn 2024, it said.


(RADIOCOR) 03-09-24 12:00:53 (0246) 5 NNNN


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