Radiocor News

Dutch regulator fines Uber for sending taxi driver data to the US

Fine is 290 mln eur (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - New York, 26 Aug - Dutch data protection watchdog DPA has fined ride-hailing platform Uber 290 million euros for sending the personal data of European taxi drivers to the United States in breach of EU rules.

In a statement the DPA said it had found that Uber had transferred personal data of European taxi drivers to the United States and failed to appropriately safeguard the data with regard to these transfers.

"In Europe, the GDPR protects the fundamental rights of people, by requiring businesses and governments to handle personal data with due care", Dutch DPA chairman Aleid Wolfsen said.

"But sadly, this is not self-evident outside Europe... Uber did not meet the requirements of the GDPR to ensure the level of protection to the data with regard to transfers to the US.

That is very serious." Uber has indicated its intent to object to the fine, the DPA said.


(RADIOCOR) 26-08-24 14:55:03 (0322) 5 NNNN


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