Radiocor News

China says EU duties on electric car imports unfair

'China will take all necessary measures" (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - New York, 21 Aug - The Chinese government said that duties imposed by the European Union on electric vehicle imports from China are unfair.

Yesterday the EU Commission said it was reducing a series of planned duties on EV imports from China as part of its ongoing anti-subsidy investigation.

According to CNBC, a Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesperson told reporters that Beijing continues to believe that the EU's probe into China's subsidies for its electric vehicle industry has come to 'pre-set conclusions,' adding that the bloc is promoting unfair competition.

'China will take all necessary measures to resolutely defend the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies,' the Ministry of Commerce spokesperson said, according to a Google translation published by CNBC.


(RADIOCOR) 21-08-24 16:29:51 (0364) 5 NNNN


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