Radiocor News

BT welcomes Bharti Global 24.5% stake purchase -2-

Bharti does not plan to take over BT (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - London, 12 Aug - Bharti Global is the international investment arm of Bharti Enterprises, a leading Indian conglomerate present in telecoms, digital infrastructure and space communications.

The shares in BT will be purchased through Bharti Televentures UK Ltd. Bharti has entered into a binding agreement with Altice UK to acquire 9.99% stake of BT's issued capital imminently with the balance 14.51% of BT's share capital to be acquired following receipt of applicable regulatory clearances.

Bharti said that it has no intention of making an offer to acquire BT.

Bharti added that it supports BT's executive team and strategy as the company "accelerates its ambitious transformation program to deliver long-term, sustainable growth. Bharti endorses BT's goal to transform the UK's telecoms landscape by building fibre, rolling out 5G technology and developing market-leading services to live, work, game and learn.".


(RADIOCOR) 12-08-24 08:50:30 (0118) 5 NNNN


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