Radiocor News

Atos cuts guidance for 2024-2027 -2-

2024-2024 liquidity needs 1.1 bln eur (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Paris, 02 Sep - Atos said that the cumulative liquidity needs for 2024 and 2025 are 1.1 billion euros and within the new financings of 1.75 billion committed by a group of banks and a group of bondholders as part of the financial restructuring of the company.

The group expects to turn free cash flow positive in 2026.

Free cash flow is expected to be about 215 million euros lower in 2026 than previously planned, it added.

Assuming a full take up of a 233 million euros rights issue, Atos now expects its leverage ratio to be 2.95x at the end of 2026, versus circa 2.0x previously.

At the end of 2027, financial leverage would be below 2.0x, meaning that the 2.0x target originally planned for end-2026 would be reached in the course of 2027.

Atos noted that the revision of its business plan does not impact the calendar of its financial restructuring.


(RADIOCOR) 02-09-24 09:07:25 (0130) 5 NNNN


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