Radiocor News

Antofagasta H1 revenue 2.955 bln usd, up 2%

Pretax profit excluding one-offs 661.6 mln usd, down 13% (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - London, 20 Aug - Chile-based miner Antofagasta said its first half revenue rose 2% to 2.955 billion dollars as realized copper prices rose 10% and gold prices 16%, partially offset by 6% lower copper and 23% lower gold sales volumes.

EBITDA during the first six months of 2024 was 1.394 billion, up 5% from the same period in 2023, mainly reflecting the company's higher revenue. The margin rose to 47.2% from 46.1%.

Pretax profit excluding one-off items fell 13% to 661.6 million dollars while including one-offs it was 7% lower at 712.6 million dollars.

Earnings per share for the year including exceptional items were 26.3 cents, a decrease of 21% compared with a year ago.

Cash flow from operations was 1.484 billion, a 14% increase compared with the same period last year, following a positive movement in creditor balances. The company's board declared an interim ordinary dividend of 7.9 cents per share, equal to a 35% pay-out of underlying EPS, which represents a level in line with the company's dividend policy.


(RADIOCOR) 20-08-24 12:39:44 (0262) 5 NNNN


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