Radiocor News

AIB to buy back 500 mln eur in shares from Irish govt

To buy 91.8 mln shares at 5.445 eur each (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Dublin, 02 Sep - The Irish bank AIB said that it will buy back 500 million euros worth of its own shares from the Irish government.

The bank will buy 91.8 million shares at 5.445 euros each.

The shares represent around 3.8% of the company's issued share capital.

"The transaction is another important milestone in the process of repaying the taxpayer for their support, enhancing liquidity in AIB shares and normalizing the share register," said the chief executive, Colin Hunt.


(RADIOCOR) 02-09-24 11:37:43 (0230) 5 NNNN


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