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ABB buys the German firm Fodisch Group

No financial details released (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Zurich, 27 Aug - The Swiss engineering group ABB said that it has signed an agreement to acquire Fodisch Group, a German developer of advanced measurement and analytical solutions for the energy and industrial sectors.

No financial details were released. The deal is expected to close by the end of the year.

ABB added that the acquisition enhances its offering in continuous emission monitoring systems and bolsters its competitiveness in technology and innovation.

Fodisch Group reported about 50 million euros in revenue and had approximately 250 employees in 2023.

Fodisch Group is headquartered in Markranstadt, Germany, where it operates a 3,000 square meter production facility, and has other facilities across Germany, the Netherlands and China.

The company offers solutions for addressing environmental, inspection and certification challenges across industries.

Used in power plants, waste incineration facilities, the paper, glass and cement industries, Fodisch Group's analyzer and dust solutions enable companies to cost-effectively track emissions of pollutants, according to ABB.


(RADIOCOR) 27-08-24 11:44:18 (0258) 5 NNNN


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