Radiocor News

UK preliminary July payroll employment up 0.8% yr/yr -2-

April-June unemployment rate 4.2% (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - London, 13 Aug - The Office for National Statistics added that the UK employment rate was estimated at 74.5% in April to June 2024, below estimates of a year ago, but increased in the latest quarter.

The UK unemployment rate was estimated at 4.2% in April to June 2024, below estimates of a year ago, and decreased in the latest quarter.

The UK economic inactivity rate was estimated at 22.2% in April to June 2024, above estimates of a year ago, but largely unchanged in the latest quarter.

The UK claimant count for July 2024 increased on the month and on the year, to 1.801 million.

The estimated number of vacancies in the UK decreased in May to July 2024 by 26,000 on the quarter to 884,000.

Annual growth in employees' average regular earnings (excluding bonuses) in Great Britain was 5.4% in April to June 2024, and annual growth in total earnings (including bonuses) was 4.5%.


(RADIOCOR) 13-08-24 08:28:01 (0154) 5 NNNN


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