Radiocor News

UK auction delivers 133 clean energy projects

Largest round ever (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - London, 03 Sep - The UK goverment said that the lastest renewables auction round delivered 133 new green infrastructure projects compared with 92 in the previous round.

"This makes it the biggest round ever with significant numbers for onshore wind, solar and tidal energy, which will power the equivalent of 11 million British homes," according to a statement.

"The results are a marked improvement on the previous auction round in 2023, which saw zero offshore wind projects agreed. "These successful results come after the government last month moved quickly to increase the budget by 50% - a record funding uplift and 7 times bigger than the previous round's pot," it added. In the latest round nine offshore wind projects were awarded, including Hornsea 3 project, which the largest offshore windfarm project in Europe, according to the government.

The new Labour government, which won the general election on July 4, launched Great British Energy in partnership with the Crown Estate, backed by 8.3 billion pounds of funds, which is estimated to create up to 20-30GW of new offshore wind developments reaching seabed lease stage by 2030.

It also lifted a ban on onshore wind in England.


(RADIOCOR) 03-09-24 18:56:52 (0513) 5 NNNN


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