Radiocor News

German Q2 GDP down adj 0.1% vs Q1

Up 0.3% yr/yr on price adjusted basis (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Berlin, 27 Aug - In the second quarter, German GDP fell 0.1% on the previous quarter, on a price, seasonally and calendar adjusted basis, according to the statistics office Destatis.

In the first three months of 2024, GDP was up 0.2% on the previous quarter.

In the second quarter, GDP was up 0.3% year on year, on a price adjusted basis, and unchanged on a price and calendar adjusted basis.

'After the slight increase in the previous quarter, the German economy slowed down again in spring,' said Ruth Brand, the president of Destatis.


(RADIOCOR) 27-08-24 08:20:17 (0161) 5 NNNN


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