Radiocor News

Eurozone June trade in goods surplus 22.3 bln eur

Eurozone exports down 6.3% yr/yr, imports down 8.6% (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Brussels , 16 Aug - In June 2024, the eurozone posted a trade in goods surplus with the rest of the world of 22.3 billion euros, up from a surplus of 18.0 billion the year earlier, data from European Union statistical office Eurostat showed.

Euro area exports to the rest of the world amounted to 236.7 billion euros in June 2024, down 6.3% compared to the year earlier, while imports from the rest of the world fell 8.6% to 214.3 billion.


(RADIOCOR) 16-08-24 11:21:37 (0195) 5 NNNN


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