Radiocor News

Bank of Korea leaves base rate unchanged at 3.50%

Appropriate to maintain current restrictive policy stance (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Seoul, 22 Aug - The Bank of Korea said that its Monetary Policy Board decided today to leave the Base Rate unchanged at 3.50%.

"Inflation has continued its downward trend and the recovery in domestic demand has been modest. However, it is still necessary to further monitor how recent government measures concerning the housing market are affecting real estate prices in Seoul and its surrounding areas and household debt, and how the risk-off sentiment in global markets evolves and affects the vigilance of foreign exchange markets from a financial stability perspective. In light of these, the Board sees that it is appropriate to maintain its current restrictive policy stance," the bank said in a statement.


(RADIOCOR) 22-08-24 08:00:40 (0079) 5 NNNN


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