Avvisi Storici EuroTLX

Di seguito è possibile scaricare gli Avvisi di EuroTLX pubblicati prima del 1 aprile 2020

Date and time Notices
21/10/2014 16:24 NOTICE N. 182 - Different price variation  ( file pdf - 90 kb)
21/10/2014 13:59 NOTICE N. 181 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 310 kb)
21/10/2014 13:54 NOTICE N. 180 Extention  ( file pdf - 331 kb)
20/10/2014 17:05 NOTICE N. 179_ Trades booked on Floaters (CCT EU)  ( file pdf - 292 kb)
20/10/2014 14:54 NOTICE N. 178 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 310 kb)
20/10/2014 14:49 NOTICE N. 177 Extention  ( file pdf - 321 kb)
17/10/2014 15:17 NOTICE N. 176 Extention  ( file pdf - 422 kb)
16/10/2014 15:29 NOTICE N. 175 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 312 kb)
15/10/2014 14:55 NOTICE N. 174 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 310 kb)
15/10/2014 13:21 NOTICE N. 173 Extention  ( file pdf - 318 kb)
15/10/2014 12:01 NOTICE N. 172 - Spread obligations  ( file pdf - 308 kb)
15/10/2014 09:58 NOTICE N. 171 - Delisting 4 certificates  ( file pdf - 217 kb)
14/10/2014 15:03 NOTICE N. 170_ Delisting XS0207766170  ( file pdf - 85 kb)
14/10/2014 14:02 NOTICE N. 169 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 309 kb)
14/10/2014 08:57 NOTICE N. 168_Admission of a new Market Intermediary - ICBPI S.p.A. as LP  ( file pdf - 85 kb)
13/10/2014 16:47 NOTICE N. 167 - Early Redemption XS0207766170  ( file pdf - 167 kb)
13/10/2014 16:45 NOTICE N. 166 - WITHDRAWAL FROM FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT TRADING  ( file pdf - 215 kb)
13/10/2014 14:23 NOTICE N. 165 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 309 kb)
13/10/2014 14:14 NOTICE N. 164 - Extention  ( file pdf - 309 kb)
10/10/2014 17:17 Notice n. 163 - Variation in Trading Hours – Securities with Underlying FIAT CHRYSLER AUTOMOBILES   ( file pdf - 249 kb)

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