Avvisi Storici EuroTLX

Di seguito è possibile scaricare gli Avvisi di EuroTLX pubblicati prima del 1 aprile 2020

Date and time Notices
24/04/2015 08:06 NOTICE N. 309 - Early Redemption XS1033738599, IT0006726324  ( file pdf - 215 kb)
24/04/2015 06:38 NOTICE N. 308 - Trading suspension  ( file pdf - 213 kb)
23/04/2015 16:38 NOTICE N. 307 - Early Redemption XS0996782677, XS1033738243 e XS1033738839  ( file pdf - 215 kb)
23/04/2015 15:29 NOTICE N. 306 - Change in price variation limits  ( file pdf - 216 kb)
23/04/2015 14:25 NOTICE N. 305 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 309 kb)
23/04/2015 10:22 NOTICE n. 304 - Change of Minimum Denomination and Lot Size IT0004842271 IT0004874795 IT0004967409  ( file pdf - 216 kb)
22/04/2015 14:34 NOTICE N. 303 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 310 kb)
22/04/2015 10:02 NOTICE N. 302 - Extention  ( file pdf - 308 kb)
21/04/2015 15:43 NOTICE N. 301 - CHANGE OF LIQUIDTY PROVIDER’S START TRADING DATE IT0005070179  ( file pdf - 306 kb)
21/04/2015 15:42 NOTICE N. 300 - Change of Instrument Description, Maturity, Start Trading Date and End Trading Date XS1172425446  ( file xlsx - 309 kb)
21/04/2015 14:35 NOTICE N. 299 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 311 kb)
20/04/2015 16:15 NOTICE N. 298 - Early Redemption DE000HV8BH40 - DE000HV8BJA7  ( file pdf - 240 kb)
20/04/2015 14:33 NOTICE N. 297 - Extention  ( file pdf - 309 kb)
20/04/2015 14:31 NOTICE N. 296 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 311 kb)
17/04/2015 14:07 NOTICE n. 295 - WITHDRAWAL FROM FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT TRADING  ( file pdf - 309 kb)
17/04/2015 14:01 NOTICE N. 294 - Extention  ( file pdf - 696 kb)
17/04/2015 13:51 NOTICE N. 293 - Admission to trading   ( file xlsx - 310 kb)
17/04/2015 09:58 NOTICE N. 292 - Trades booked on Floaters (CCT EU) IT0004922909  ( file pdf - 334 kb)
17/04/2015 07:19 NOTICE N. 291 - Early Redemption DE000DE8FEG1  ( file pdf - 85 kb)
17/04/2015 06:49 NOTICE n. 290 - Trading Suspension DE000DE8FEG1  ( file pdf - 212 kb)

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