Avvisi Storici EuroTLX

Di seguito è possibile scaricare gli Avvisi di EuroTLX pubblicati prima del 1 aprile 2020

Date and time Notices
05/02/2016 13:12 NOTICE N. 82 - Extention  ( file pdf - 321 kb)
04/02/2016 17:27 NOTICE N. 81 - Daily Closing Prices of Unicredit Subordinated Bond subject to buyback  ( file pdf - 269 kb)
04/02/2016 16:30 NOTICE N. 80 - Extention  ( file pdf - 360 kb)
04/02/2016 16:20 NOTICE N. 79 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 312 kb)
03/02/2016 17:33 NOTICE N. 78 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 311 kb)
03/02/2016 17:25 NOTICE N. 77 - Daily Closing Prices of Unicredit Subordinated Bond subject to buyback   ( file pdf - 264 kb)
03/02/2016 15:28 NOTICE N. 76 - Extention  ( file pdf - 331 kb)
03/02/2016 15:26 NOTICE N. 75 - Change of Minimum Denomination and Lot Size IT0004840796  ( file pdf - 216 kb)
02/02/2016 17:16 NOTICE N. 74 - Daily Closing Prices of Unicredit Subordinated Bond subject to buyback  ( file pdf - 264 kb)
02/02/2016 16:01 NOTICE N. 73 - WITHDRAWAL FROM FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT TRADING  ( file pdf - 256 kb)
02/02/2016 15:57 NOTICE N. 72 - GECC merged with and into GE  ( file pdf - 27 kb)
02/02/2016 15:53 NOTICE N. 71 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 312 kb)
02/02/2016 15:47 NOTICE N. 70 - Change in spread   ( file pdf - 214 kb)
02/02/2016 15:29 NOTICE N. 69 - Extention  ( file pdf - 325 kb)
02/02/2016 07:49 NOTICE n. 68 - Trading Suspension on ALCATEL FR0000130007  ( file pdf - 212 kb)
01/02/2016 17:25 NOTICE N. 67 - Daily Closing Prices of Unicredit Subordinated Bond subject to buyback  ( file pdf - 264 kb)
01/02/2016 15:14 NOTICE n. 66 - Trading resumption ISIN BE0974264930  ( file pdf - 247 kb)
01/02/2016 15:09 NOTICE N. 65 - Change in spread  ( file pdf - 213 kb)
01/02/2016 14:53 NOTICE N. 64 - Change of Start Trading Date, Central Depository System, Segment and Sector XS1266627931  ( file xlsx - 309 kb)
01/02/2016 13:56 NOTICE N. 63 - Extention  ( file pdf - 310 kb)

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