Avvisi Storici EuroTLX

Di seguito è possibile scaricare gli Avvisi di EuroTLX pubblicati prima del 1 aprile 2020

Date and time Notices
04/10/2017 13:13 NOTICE N. 680 - Extention  ( file pdf - 292 kb)
03/10/2017 16:17 NOTICE N. 679 - Early Redemption XS1489631264 and XS1422264991  ( file pdf - 258 kb)
03/10/2017 14:41 NOTICE N. 678 - Admission to trading_1  ( file xlsx - 315 kb)
03/10/2017 13:47 NOTICE N. 677 - Withdrawal from financial instrument trading  ( file pdf - 307 kb)
03/10/2017 13:46 NOTICE N. 676 - Extention  ( file pdf - 598 kb)
03/10/2017 09:45 NOTICE N. 675 - Early Redemption 6 Certificates  ( file pdf - 262 kb)
03/10/2017 06:56 NOTICE N. 674 - Trading suspension ISINs DE000HV8BE68, XS1236032063, XS1530382529, GB00BDYQF211, FREXA0005456, FREXA0005464  ( file pdf - 215 kb)
02/10/2017 16:39 NOTICE N. 673 - Early Redemption XS1583161374  ( file pdf - 294 kb)
02/10/2017 15:16 NOTICE N. 672 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 313 kb)
02/10/2017 08:58 NOTICE N. 671 - Early Redemption CH0360186578  ( file pdf - 295 kb)
02/10/2017 06:45 NOTICE N. 670 - Trading suspension  ( file pdf - 213 kb)
29/09/2017 17:59 NOTICE N. 669 - Early Redemption XS1569798645, XS1569792010, XS1569781831 and DE000HV4AV70  ( file pdf - 301 kb)
29/09/2017 15:35 NOTICE N. 668 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 314 kb)
29/09/2017 15:30 NOTICE N. 667 - Trades cancellation  ( file pdf - 233 kb)
29/09/2017 14:34 NOTICE N. 666 - Delisting of 2 Financial Instruments  ( file pdf - 217 kb)
29/09/2017 11:27 NOTICE N. 665 - Extention  ( file pdf - 278 kb)
29/09/2017 11:15 NOTICE N. 664 - Trading suspension ISINs GB00BH4HKS39, IE0001827041  ( file pdf - 214 kb)
29/09/2017 10:24 NOTICE N. 663 - Delisting of 2 Financial Instruments  ( file pdf - 297 kb)
28/09/2017 17:26 NOTICE N. 662 - Early Redemption FREXA0005340 IT0005045296 e XS1530369690  ( file pdf - 258 kb)
27/09/2017 17:07 NOTICE N. 661 - Early Redemption XS1422249331  ( file pdf - 256 kb)

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