Avvisi Storici EuroTLX

Di seguito è possibile scaricare gli Avvisi di EuroTLX pubblicati prima del 1 aprile 2020

Date and time Notices
02/03/2018 16:57 NOTICE N. 180 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 26 kb)
02/03/2018 16:49 NOTICE N. 179 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 25 kb)
02/03/2018 16:46 NOTICE N. 178 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 25 kb)
02/03/2018 15:44 NOTICE N. 179 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 25 kb)
02/03/2018 15:41 NOTICE N. 178 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 25 kb)
02/03/2018 11:23 NOTICE N. 177 - Trade cancellation ISIN US105756BR01  ( file pdf - 217 kb)
01/03/2018 17:12 NOTICE N. 176 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 10 kb)
01/03/2018 17:03 NOTICE N. 175 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
01/03/2018 08:04 NOTICE N. 174 - Early Redemption XS1566190788  ( file pdf - 214 kb)
28/02/2018 18:16 NOTICE N. 173 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 27 kb)
28/02/2018 18:13 NOTICE N. 172 - Extension  ( file pdf - 17 kb)
28/02/2018 18:10 NOTICE N. 171 - Extention  ( file pdf - 16 kb)
28/02/2018 17:19 NOTICE N. 170 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 25 kb)
28/02/2018 12:30 NOTICE N. 169 - Amendment instrument description and description Capital Stage AG  ( file pdf - 188 kb)
28/02/2018 07:57 NOTICE N. 168 - Early Redemption XS1526149429  ( file pdf - 214 kb)
27/02/2018 17:59 NOTICE N. 167 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 28 kb)
27/02/2018 17:56 NOTICE N. 166 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 25 kb)
27/02/2018 16:30 Notice N. 165 - Extension  ( file pdf - 17 kb)
27/02/2018 16:02 NOTICE N. 164 - Extension  ( file pdf - 16 kb)
27/02/2018 15:43 NOTICE N. 163 - Amendment of Notice N. 161 dated 26.02.2018 Instrument Description, Maturity and End Trading Date DE000HV40GG6  ( file pdf - 218 kb)

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