Avvisi Storici EuroTLX

Di seguito è possibile scaricare gli Avvisi di EuroTLX pubblicati prima del 1 aprile 2020

Date and time Notices
27/07/2018 13:00 NOTICE N. 911 - Delisting 1 financial instrument  ( file xlsx - 12 kb)
27/07/2018 12:32 NOTICE N. 910 - Withdrawal from financial instrument trading  ( file pdf - 15 kb)
27/07/2018 12:31 NOTICE N. 909 - Extension  ( file pdf - 18 kb)
27/07/2018 10:30 NOTICE N. 908 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 286 kb)
26/07/2018 16:11 NOTICE N. 907 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 25 kb)
26/07/2018 15:23 NOTICE N. 906 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 43 kb)
26/07/2018 15:13 NOTICE N. 905 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
26/07/2018 14:40 NOTICE N. 904 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 338 kb)
26/07/2018 13:06 NOTICE N. 903 - Withdrawal from financial instrument trading  ( file pdf - 16 kb)
25/07/2018 15:05 NOTICE N. 902 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 42 kb)
25/07/2018 14:37 NOTICE N. 901 - Extension Market Intermediary - Morgan Stanley & Co International PLC  ( file pdf - 189 kb)
25/07/2018 13:22 NOTICE N. 900 - Delisting 1 financial instrument  ( file pdf - 298 kb)
25/07/2018 13:22 NOTICE N. 900 - Delisting 1 financial instrument  ( file xlsx - 12 kb)
25/07/2018 13:18 NOTICE N. 899 - Withdrawal from financial instrument trading  ( file pdf - 15 kb)
25/07/2018 13:12 NOTICE N. 898 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 321 kb)
25/07/2018 13:01 NOTICE N. 897 - Change of Minimum Denomination and Lot Size IT0005068694 IT0005276727 IT0005321499  ( file pdf - 216 kb)
24/07/2018 16:09 NOTICE N. 896 - Early Redemption XS1577092676  ( file pdf - 216 kb)
24/07/2018 14:53 NOTICE N. 895 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 29 kb)
24/07/2018 14:42 NOTICE N. 894 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
24/07/2018 14:38 NOTICE N. 893 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 325 kb)

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