Avvisi Storici EuroTLX

Di seguito è possibile scaricare gli Avvisi di EuroTLX pubblicati prima del 1 aprile 2020

Date and time Notices
31/01/2019 17:57 NOTICE N. 129 - Early Redemption 3 certificate  ( file pdf - 219 kb)
31/01/2019 17:00 NOTICE N. 128 - Trading Suspension PDVSA  ( file xlsx - 181 kb)
31/01/2019 16:00 NOTICE N. 127 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 28 kb)
31/01/2019 15:47 NOTICE N. 126 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
31/01/2019 15:34 NOTICE N. 125 - Extention  ( file pdf - 16 kb)
31/01/2019 15:33 NOTICE N. 124 - Withdrawal from financial instrument trading  ( file pdf - 15 kb)
31/01/2019 14:48 NOTICE N. 123 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 322 kb)
31/01/2019 10:49 NOTICE N. 122 - Early Redemption XS1309768759  ( file pdf - 216 kb)
31/01/2019 09:00 NOTICE N. 121 - Trading Suspension ISIN XS1309768759  ( file xlsx - 181 kb)
31/01/2019 08:07 NOTICE n. 120 - Change of Start Trading Date DE000MS0GWU2  ( file pdf - 221 kb)
30/01/2019 16:13 NOTICE N. 119 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 29 kb)
30/01/2019 15:21 NOTICE N. 118 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
30/01/2019 15:16 NOTICE N. 117 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 25 kb)
30/01/2019 15:14 NOTICE N. 116 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
30/01/2019 14:20 NOTICE N. 115 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 365 kb)
30/01/2019 13:35 NOTICE N. 114 - Withdrawal from financial instrument trading  ( file pdf - 15 kb)
30/01/2019 08:00 NOTICE N. 113 - Early Redemption CH0430275187  ( file pdf - 216 kb)
29/01/2019 17:10 NOTICE N. 112 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 29 kb)
29/01/2019 16:57 NOTICE n. 111 - Change of Start Trading Date DE000MS0GWU2  ( file pdf - 220 kb)
29/01/2019 15:04 NOTICE N. 110 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)

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