Global Equity Market - Quotes

Name Last %Chng Time Alert Portfolio
Autodesk 245.25 +4.23 3:33:15 PM
Automatic Data Processing
34.38    +0.15   5:29:55 PM
34.38 +0.15 5:29:55 PM
Banco De Sabadell 1.931 +0.63 9:10:45 AM
Banco Santander 4.505 -1.85 5:18:03 PM
Bank Of America
45.92    +0.30   5:25:35 PM
45.92 +0.30 5:25:35 PM
Baxter International
Bayer 28.32 +1.38 5:35:06 PM
Becton, Dickinson And Company
Berkshire Hathaway 427.00 +1.16 5:04:12 PM
Best Buy Co
Beyond Meat 5.674 +1.21 4:03:42 PM
Biomarin Pharmaceutical
Bitcoin Group 52.30 -1.69 5:35:07 PM

Global Equity Market - Quotes

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