Global Equity Market - Quotes

Name Last %Chng Time Alert Portfolio
Philips 27.23 -0.87 5:06:20 PM
Phillips 66
Plug Power 1.784 +0.36 3:37:37 PM
Porsche Automobil Holding Pref 40.74 -0.07 5:24:15 PM
Porsche Pref 70.96 +0.51 5:27:41 PM
Ppg Industries
Procter & Gamble
Prologis Reit
Prosiebensat1 Media
Prudential Financial
38.82    +1.04   9:06:31 AM
38.82 +1.04 9:06:31 AM
Qualcomm 155.34 -1.04 11:56:39 AM
Redeia Corporacion S.A.
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
Renault 43.02 -0.35 4:44:47 PM
Repsol 12.455 -0.16 3:00:50 PM
Rheinmetall 541.00 -0.51 5:06:36 PM

Global Equity Market - Quotes

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