BItNotes n°9

BItNotes n°9
"The wood and furniture sector in Italy: evolution and relationship to the market"
A.Franzosi, L.Negro, E.Pellizzoni - July 2003


The wood and furniture sector has a significant relevance in the Italian economy, both for size indicators (added value, turnover, employees) and contribution to the image of "Made in Italy" products. This paper analyses the structural evolution of the sector and describes the main macroeconomic features that affect its behaviour. The main elements that could impact the stategic position of Italian wood and furniture companies in the near future are looked into; particular attention is paid to cross country comparisons of companies' size and financial structure, to the international trade performance, to the role of territorial organisation (clusters), to the evolution of distributive channels and to the relevance of new organisational structures dedicated to the management of design processes. The relationship between wood and furniture firms and the equity markets is analysed, with regard to current situation and future developments. The number of European listed wood and furniture firms is quantified and price performance, volatility and relationship to business cycle of listed shares are analysed. Finally, an estimation of the number of Italian wood and furniture companies that could be listed is provided.

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