Sustainable Information
Market Data
Last trade price | 100.10 |
Quantity | 10,000 |
Var % | +0.14 |
Date and time | 12/12/2024 |
Close price | 99.96 |
Date last close | 12/12/2024 |
Static reference price | 99.96 |
Dynamic reference price | 100.10 |
Daily quantity | 55,000 |
Daily turnover | 54,980.1 |
Maximum | 107.749 |
Minimum | 99.73 |
ISIN | XS2725838465 |
Description | Mediobanca Mc Dec28 Eur |
Status | N |
Trading currency | EUR |
Lot size | 1,000 |
Periodic Coupon Rate | |
Annual Coupon Rate | 4.50 |
Market phase | Inaccessible |
Suspended | NO |
Trading Type | Clean |
Payout Description | The bonds bear annual interest, equal to: - 4.5% payable quarterly from 28/03/2024 until 28/12/2026 - Euribor 3Mpayable quarterly in arrear commencing on 28/03/2027 up to 28/12/2028. The rate is observed 2 business days prior to the beginning of each interest period on EUR003M Bloomberg Page (h. 11:00 am Brussels time). |
Gross yield to maturity | 3.79 |
Net yield to maturity | 2.79 |
Gross accrued interest | 0.95 |
Net accrued interest | 0.703 |
Modified Duration | 1.8 |
Reference price | 99.96 |
Reference price date | 12/12/2024 |
Number Trades: 5
Total Quantity: 55,000
16:34:28 | 100.10 | +0.14 |
15:33:20 | 100.25 | +0.29 |
15:12:07 | 100.10 | +0.14 |
Liquidity Provider