Notizie Teleborsa

Milan: Moncler in free fall

News Image (Teleborsa) - Moncler is thrown to the bears as it trades with dire losses of -3.95%.

The weekly analysis of the security and the FTSE MIB shows Moncler losing relative strength against the index.

Technically, the medium-term trend is down, but with the 48.17 support level holding firm we have some positive signs for the near term. The bullish cue signals a trend reversal to the upside, with prices potentially reaching the important resistance area at 49.53. The most likely scenario is for a bullish recovery with resistance at 50.89.

These analyses are to be considered solely for information purposes and are not in any way intended to constitute financial advice, a solicitation of funds from the public or the promotion of any form of investment.
(Teleborsa Research Department)

(Teleborsa) 20-09-2024 09:35

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