Notizie Teleborsa

Markets are up, Milan on the sidelines

News Image (Teleborsa) - European bourses are trading on a bullish note, while Milan pauses near previous levels. Meanwhile in the US market the S&P-500 fluctuates around the flatline.

EUR / USD trades down -0.43% in a weak session. Gold is slightly up at 2,632.4 dollars per ounce. Light Sweet Crude Oil trades with a fractional gain of 0.93%.

The Spread is at +131 basis points, near the previous day's level, while the ten-year BTP settles at +3.45%.

Among the markets of the Old Continent, a positive result for Frankfurt, which inches up +0.67%, London is essentially healthy, gaining +0.28%, and Paris reports no significant price changes in the absence of fresh cues.

The Milan stock exchange takes a breather, with the FTSE MIB trading at 33,757 points; similarly, the FTSE Italia All-Share bounces around the flatline, trading at 35,891 points.

The FTSE Italia Mid Cap is trading just above the flatline (+0.35%); on the same line, the FTSE Italia Star gains marginally (+0.34%).

Ferrari (+2.88%), Moncler (+1.94%), Pirelli & C (+1.59%) and Snam (+1.47%) among the top performers in Milan.

Unicredit has the worst performance, with a -2.46% down.

Banco Bpm suffers losses of 2.36%.

Investors hurry to sell as Banca Popolare Sondrio declines -1.73%.

Intesa Sanpaolo plunges -1.53% on intense selling.

MFE B (+4.31%), MFE A (+4.19%), Ariston Holding (+1.76%) and Buzzi (+1.62%) are among the big players in the FTSE Italia Mid Cap index.

Piaggio reports the heaviest losses, currently suffering from a -8.04% down.

Investors are selling as Safilo records a -1.82% fall.

Tinexta shows a negative session -1.75% down.

A sluggish day for Banco di Desio e della Brianza, which drops -1.48%.

(Teleborsa) 23-09-2024 16:00

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