Notizie Teleborsa

Agenda of Monday, September 16, 2024

News Image (Teleborsa) - Corporate and institutional events

Monday, 9/16/2024

Japan - Tokyo Stock Exchange closed for holiday
Corea of the Sud - Seoul Stock Exchange closed for holiday
China - Shanghai Stock Exchange closed for holiday
Government Bonds:
Italian Treasury Department - mid-long term settlement
European Parliament plenary session - The plenary sessions represent the culmination of the legislative work done in committees and in the political groups. These sessions are where the Parliament formally sits to vote on EU legislation and adopt its position on political issues in Strasbourg (until Thursday 9/19/2024)
European politics - Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commissio, meets with Roberta Metsola, president of the European Parliament in Strasbourg
G7 - IEA Ensuring an Orderly Energy Transition - The Italian G7 Presidency and the International Energy Agency will host a joint conference on ‘Ensuring an Orderly Energy Transition' at the Bank of Italy Headquarters in Rome. The conference will host high-level panels with speakers from government, industry, central banks and international financial institutions participating. Among others, the Governor Bank of Italy Fabio Panetta and the Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti will intervene
Government activities - The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, will meet the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Keir Starmer, in Rome at Villa Doria Pamphilj
Greentech Global Forum - Rome, Gazometro Ostiense complex - International matching event on technologies for Energy Transition, Circular Economy, e-Mobility, and Blue Economy, organized by Regione Lazio and Lazio Innova. Among others, Minister Tajani and the presidents of Regione Lazio, Sace, Simest, and Agenzia Ice will intervene (until Tuesday 9/17/2024)
European Mobility Week 2024 - The main theme of the European Mobility Week 2024, the most important awareness campaign of the European Commission on sustainable urban mobility, will be 'Sharing Public Spaces'. This year, meetings and initiatives on the territory will be organized in Rome with a focus on environmental sustainability (until Sunday 9/22/2024)
Federmeccanica: presentation of the 171st Economic Survey - Hotel Nazionale, Rome - Press conference for the 171st national economic survey with the Vice President, the General Director, and the Director of the Study Center of Federmeccanica
Beewize - BoD: Semi-annual financial report
Circle - BoD: Semi-annual financial report
Finanza.Tech - BoD: Semi-annual financial report
Health Italy - BoD: Semi-annual financial report
Neurosoft - BoD: Semi-annual financial report
S.S. Lazio - periodic financial results: CdG Financial report
Toscana Aeroporti - BoD: Approval of the half-year financial report at June 30, 2024
Yakkyo - BoD: Semi-annual financial report

Forecoming macroeconomic data

Monday, 9/16/2024
10:00 AM Italy: consumer price index, monthly (expected 0.2%; prev. 0.4%)
10:00 AM Italy: consumer price index, yearly (expected 1.1%; prev. 1.3%)
11:00 AM European Union: unit labour cost, yearly (expected 0.2%; prev. 5.1%)
11:00 AM European Union: Trade balance (expected 14.9 Bln; prev. 22.3 Bln Euro)
11:00 AM Italy: Global Trade Balance (expected 4.45 Bln; prev. 5.07 Bln Euro)
2:30 PM USA: NY Empire State manufacturing index (expected -4.1 points; prev. -4.7 points)

(Teleborsa) 16-09-2024 07:56

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