2015 Highlights

Jan 12 2016 - 11:00

-       Record number of new admissions since 2007: 32, 27 of which are IPOs

-       27 new IPOs raise more than €5.7 billion 

-       IPO Poste Italiane: the biggest IPO for capitals raised in the last 10 years (more than €3 billion)

-       For the second consecutive year European leader for contracts exchanged on ETFPlus and MOT

-       Indexes (as of 29 December 2015): FTSE Italia All Share +16.47%; FTSE MIB +13.94%; FTSE Italia STAR +39.52%


2015 Market Highlights

(FIGURES AS of 23 December 2015)

By the end of 2015 there were 356 companies on Borsa Italiana’s markets.

282 companies on MTA (72 on the STAR segment) and 74 on AIM Italia.

-       There have been 32 new admission in 2015, 27 IPOs (as of 30 December 2015)

IPOs: 8 on MTA (5 on the STAR segment), 1 on MIV and 18 on AIM Italia

MTA: Banzai, OVS, Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group, Inwit, Banca Sistema, Aeroporto Guglielmo Marconi of Bologna, Poste Italiane, Openjobmetis

MIV: Space 2

AIM Italia: Mobyt, Digitouch, Caleido Group, Clabo, Eletrra Investimenti,     Cover 50, Biodue, Bomi Italia, Masi Agricola, Assiteca, Piteco, Capital for Progress 1, Giglio Group, Glenalta Food, H-Farm, Gambero Rosso, Blue Financial Communication, Bridge Management.

Beyond the 27 IPOs, we have the admissions of: Italian Wine Brands, Mondo TV Suisse, LUVE, Banca Mediolanum and the transition of FILA from MIV to the STAR segment.


There were 26 IPOs in 2014.
There have been 16 delistings in 2015.
The IPO of Poste Italiane, with a capital raise of €3 billion, was the biggest IPO in the last 10 years (from 2006).

-       The total amount raised by new and further fundraising by listed companies in 2015 was €9.8 billion. 13 capital increase transactions raised more than €4 billion. The 27 companies to IPO on Borsa Italiana raised more than €5.7 billion.  7 OPA realised in 2015, with turnover of €5.4 billion.

-       At December 29, FTSE Italia All Share is up 16.47% (annual max 25,684 on April 13, 2015; min 19,270 on January 7, 2015). FTSE MIB grew +13.94% (annual max 24.031 on July 2015, 2015; min 18,123 on January 7, 2015).

-       Record performance for FTSE Italia STAR, with an annual growth of +39.52% (annual max and historical record 26.530: August 5, 2015).

-       The total market capitalisation of listed companies and new admissions is €567.2 billion, 17.6% more than 2014, 34.8% of Italy’s GDP.

-       Trading of shares reached a daily average of €3.2 billion and about 282,000 contracts. In total, over 70.7 million of contracts, and turnover of over €801.7 billion has been traded. The highest daily turnover traded was 24 August, 2015, with €5.9 billion and 530,325 exchanged contracts.

-       Intesa San Paolo has been the most traded share by turnover, €95.2 billion, whereas Unicredit has been the most traded by contracts with 3.9 million contracts.

-       The turnover velocity, comparing turnover and market capitalisation, showing the rate of annual share turnover, is equal to 153.3%.


European leader in contracts traded on electronic systems both on ETFplus and MOT


-       ETFPlus market continues to grow: by 23 December 2015 listed instruments rise to 1,101, with 82 ETFs, and 56 ETCs/ETNs - a total of 138 new instruments. February 2015 saw the launch of a new product on ETFPlus: Open End Funds. In the first year, the new segment of ETFPlus dedicated to open funds, reached 100 listed instruments and 16 total issuers.  Assets Under Management: ETFs reached  €34.2 billion, ETCs/ETNs €4.4 billion and Open end funds €41.6 million. On 24 August 2015 ETFPlus recorded a record day: 48.864 contracts traded. Overall exchange value is €103.6 billion, and over 4.8 million contracts.


-       MOT: with a total of 1,113 listed instruments (118 Government Bonds, 309 Bonds, and 686 Eurobonds and ABS) MOT recorded a daily average of 18,288 contracts and €1.1 billion.


-       BTP Italia: the 8th issuance of BTP Italia in April 2015 raised €9.379 billion. Since 2012 more than €100 billion has been raised on MOT through BTP Italia.


-       Euro TLX: Euro TLX totals 5.314 instruments, 2,748,514 contracts have been traded with a turnover of €79 billion.


-       At year end there were 777 listed instruments on ExtraMOT. The total amount of exchanged contracts is 55,601 with a turnover of €3.9 billion. On the professional segment 126 instruments have been listed, 100 bond raising around €30 million. As of 23 December 58 instruments have been issued. The 42 issuers of the new listed instruments raised €840 million at the admission, €328.5 million of instruments with a total nominal value lower than €30 million.

-       Trading of covered warrant and certificates listed on SeDex reached the highest levels of 2008 and the first rankings in Europe. The number of listed instruments is 5,563, more than the 4,172 of 2014. The daily average rose to €133.1 million (+36% over 2014), and more than 12,500 contracts (+32.7% compared to 2014). In particular fixed leverage certificates have a market value higher than 50%.

-       IDEM sees a year of growth with 44.2 million standard contracts changed in 2015. Daily average for contracts is 176,068 billion (+13.6% over 2014 daily average), with average daily turnover of €6 billion (+23.6% over 2014 daily average). The 2015 was the best year ever for the daily average for yearly standard contracts for all the products on index.

During 2015 the following records have been reached:

-       Options on FTSE MIB index: all time record for standard contracts and domestic turnover recorded on 16 December 2015, 103,273 contracts with a turnover of €5.3 billion.

-       Index mini-Futures: historical record for standard contracts and domestic turnover both recorded on 24 August 2015, 63,528 contracts with a turnover of €1,321.4 million.

-       Weekly Stock Options: historical record for standard contracts recorded on 24 August 2015 with 3,154 contracts, and for domestic turnover recorded on 5 March 2015 with €16 million.

-       On Idex, the future market for electricity derivatives, 2,761 standard contracts have been traded, for a total of 4.9 million of MWh.

-       Trading of hard wheat futures on Agrex registered a total of 933 standard contracts, and 46,650 tons.


-       Trading after hours: historical record for trading contracts is 16,249 on 3 December 2015


2015 Main Activities and Projects


Primary Markets


-       ELITE:  ELITE has continued to grow and to internationalize in 2015 with more than 320 companies joining the programme from 21 different countries. It provides fast growing ambitious businesses with  access to a tailored portfolio of business support tools, education services and contact with a select group international advisers and investors, creating a vibrant new international eco-system for these businesses (www.elite-growth.com)


-       ELITE Connect: In November a new platform dedicated to listing companies, institutional investors and brokers has been launched. ELITE Connect permits to manage the investor relations activities using advanced tools such as the digital meeting (www.elite-connect.com).


-       Italian Infrastructure Day, STAR Conference and Small Cap Conference: With more than 3,200 meetings and the participation of 500 institutional investors, Borsa Italiana contributed to the worldwide promotion of Italy and the Italian economy, with its roadshows.

-       Finance for Fine Arts: Borsa Italiana, strongly committed to promote and to preserve the Italian artistic heritage, has inaugurated the second edition of the project ‘Rivelazioni – Finance for Fine Arts” for the restoration of  a series of paintings and frescos stored by Gallerie dell’Accademia di  Venezia. The first edition dedicated to the paintings and frescos of the Pinacoteca di Brera was a great success raising more than €270,000. (www.borsaitaliana.it/borsaitaliana/borsa-italiana-arte/financeforfinearts/financeforfinearts.htm ).


Post Trade


-       Monte Titoli: Italy, through Monte Titoli, has taken part to the first wave of the European project TARGET2-Securities. During 2015, Monte Titoli and its clients have successfully completed the migration to the European Central Bank’s Target2-Securities (T2S) platform. T2S is the infrastructure project launched by the European Central Bank in 2008. Its aim is to create a single pan-European platform for securities settlement in central bank money, harmonising post trade procedures and improving efficiency in the European Capital Market.


-       Appointments – New Chairman: on October 29, 2015 the shareholder’s assembly and the board of directors has appointed Andrea Sironi as new Chairman of Borsa Italiana. Sironi will be in charge since January 1st 2016.

Other Events

-       Markets and innovation in the food industry: On 29 June Borsa Italiana organized a day dedicated to the food industry. The discussion focused on the capital market opportunities for the companies of the food farming sector, such as AGREX, the segment of the market of Borsa Italiana dedicated to the derivatives of the durum wheat. The Minister of the Agricultural and Forestry Policies, Maurizio Martina and the Commissioner of Expo 2015 Giuseppe Sala participated at the event.

-       13th Online Trading Expo: on 21-22-23 October Borsa Italiana hosted the thirteenth edition of its meeting for online traders and investors at Palazzo Mezzanotte. For the first time 3 days have been dedicated to the event with more than 90 seminars and meetings attended by over 2,364 visitors.

-       Conversazioni in Borsa: The series of lively debates continued at Borsa Italiana with guest key speakers as Ferruccio De Bortoli.

-       Bookcity Milano: Borsa Italiana hosted for the second year BOOKCITY MILANO, exceptionally allowing its historical building to be used by the public for meetings and seminars of the centre “Economia e Lavoro”.



For further information:
Media Relations
Federica Marotti
Oriana Pagano
+39 0272426 360

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